Friday, January 2, 2009

Photo: Paper Lanterns 2

Paper Lanterns 2, originally uploaded by Chango Perezoso.

Here's another that turned out well. This was a bit more intentional, and as I shot digital (Canon SD-870IS), the gratification was much more immediate. This was taken in the Presidio in San Francisco, on 25 Dec 2008.

Photo: Conversation

Conversation, originally uploaded by Chango Perezoso.

My wife regards plant photos as facile, and despite the fact that I've often given into the temptation of instant gratification and cheap thrill that comes with shooting a pretty flower or leaf, I tend to agree with her in principle. Every now and then, however, I get one I'm proud of. It's almost always by chance. This one I shot back in 2001 or so, in San Francisco.